Below are stories from past issues of Columban Mission magazine. The Columban Fathers publish Columban Mission magazine eight times a year. Subscriptions are available for just $15 per year. Sign up to receive our next issue. Read more about Columban Mission magazine.

People around the globe report increasing levels of stress. Our lives are so busy that day-to-day we feel hurried and harried. I think many of us yearn for a quiet respite.

Recently I have been fascinated by the news of two black holes circling each other and heading towards a massive explosion. All the physics of it is beyond me but that this happened nine billion years ago is amazing to me.

As we Columbans enter into our second century of mission to the world, I would not have imagined myself returning to the United States to do home mission.

In recent years, Chile has received hundreds of thousands of desperate migrants from other parts of Latin America. Fr. Daniel (Dan) Harding tells the story of some of these migrants who live in the parish of San Columbano, Santiago, Chile.

I wonder what the first Easter was like. How did the disciples feel about losing their teacher and friend and then realizing the truth of His resurrection? What was the first Easter like for them? It must have been a very exciting day–different from any other day!

In December 2017, a generous Malate parishioner gave the Columbans complimentary tickets to watch Ballet Philippines perform "The Nutcracker" at the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

Every family in Kachin State in northeastern Myanmar, formerly Burma, seems to be affected by drug and alcohol addiction. For over 60 years this area has known only war as the Kachin Independence army and the Burmese military battle for control of this resource rich state.

Protecting children from harm is the primary duty of all adults, yet millions of children are hurt and abused in the world these days.